Kaggle offers numerous interesting datasets to the enthusiastic data analyst and hosts exciting competitions.
Retrieving Datasets from KAGGLE
To obtain datasets from KAGGLE we can use their dataset API (checkout the docs).
For now, we simply get the first 100 datasets available which are tagged with ‘sports’:
mkdir kaggle_dataset_lists
mkdir datasets
# we get 20 results per page, so we get 5 pages.
We remove the header and add it manually
for i in {1..5} ; do
sleep 1
kaggle datasets list -p $i --file-type csv -v --tags sports ;
done | grep -v downloadCount >> kaggle_dataset_lists/sports.csv
Now, whenever we want to select a new dataset for analysis we just execute the following lines to download the data and remember the chosen dataset.
# get random line and extract dataset
sel=$(sort -R kaggle_dataset_lists/sports.csv | head -1)
echo $sel >> kaggle_dataset_lists/sports_selected.csv
grep -v "$sel" kaggle_dataset_lists/sports.csv > temp && mv temp kaggle_dataset_lists/sports.csv
dataset=`echo $sel | cut -f 1 -d ","`
kaggle datasets download --unzip -p datasets/ $dataset